Fast, portable C library for geometry input/output
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Data Structures | Functions

Provides seamless integration with other 3rd-party libraries. More...

Data Structures

struct  gmio_stl_mesh_occshape
 Provides access to all the internal triangles of OpenCascade's TopoDS_Shape. More...
struct  gmio_stl_mesh_occmesh
 Provides access to all the triangles of OpenCascade's StlMesh_Mesh. More...
struct  gmio_stl_mesh_creator_occmesh
 Provides creation of a new domain within an StlMesh_Mesh object. More...
struct  gmio_stl_mesh_occmeshvs
 Provides access to all the triangles of OpenCascade's MeshVS_DataSource. More...


template<typename CHAR , typename TRAITS >
gmio_stream gmio_istream_cpp (std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > *s)
 Returns a gmio_stream for C++ input stream (cookie will hold s ) More...
template<typename CHAR , typename TRAITS >
gmio_stream gmio_ostream_cpp (std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > *s)
 Returns a gmio_stream for C++ output stream (cookie will hold s ) More...
struct gmio_stream gmio_stream_qiodevice (QIODevice *device)
 Returns a gmio_stream for QIODevice* (cookie will hold device) More...

Detailed Description

Provides seamless integration with other 3rd-party libraries.

gmioSupport is the bridge between gmio and other 3rd-party libraries (eg. OpenCascade, Qt, ...)

OpenCascade support
import export header
StlMesh_Mesh yes yes stl_occ_mesh.h
MeshVS_DataSource no yes stl_occ_meshvs.h
TopoDS_Shape no yes stl_occ_brep.h

I/O stream support
read write header
Qt QIODevice yes yes stream_qt.h
std::basic_istream<> yes no stream_cpp.h
std::basic_ostream<> no yes stream_cpp.h

To avoid the dependency of gmio library on some other binaries, compilation of gmioSupport is left to the developer.
For example if Qt streams are needed then the target project must build somehow gmio_support/stream_qt.cpp
All gmio_support source files are copied with install target (ie by doing (n)make install) to PREFIX/src/gmio_support

Function Documentation

template<typename CHAR , typename TRAITS >
gmio_stream gmio_istream_cpp ( std::basic_istream< CHAR, TRAITS > *  s)

Returns a gmio_stream for C++ input stream (cookie will hold s )

template<typename CHAR , typename TRAITS >
gmio_stream gmio_ostream_cpp ( std::basic_ostream< CHAR, TRAITS > *  s)

Returns a gmio_stream for C++ output stream (cookie will hold s )

struct gmio_stream gmio_stream_qiodevice ( QIODevice *  device)

Returns a gmio_stream for QIODevice* (cookie will hold device)

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