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Provides API to handle input/output operations with the STL file format. More...

Data Structures

struct  gmio_stl_infos
 Informations retrieved by gmio_stl_infos_get() More...
struct  gmio_stl_infos_get_options
 Options of function gmio_stl_infos_get() More...
struct  gmio_stl_read_options
 Options of function gmio_stl_read() More...
struct  gmio_stl_write_options
 Options of function gmio_stl_write() More...
struct  gmio_stl_mesh
 Provides an interface for accessing the underlying(hidden) user mesh. More...
struct  gmio_stl_mesh_creator_infos
 Informations about the STL stream, used in gmio_stl_mesh_creator::func_begin_solid() More...
struct  gmio_stl_mesh_creator
 Provides an interface for the creation of the underlying(hidden) user mesh. More...
struct  gmio_stl_triangle
 STL mesh triangle. More...
struct  gmio_stlb_header
 80-byte data at the beginning of any STL binary file More...


enum  gmio_stl_constants
 GMIO_STL_ERROR_TAG Byte-mask to tag(identify) STL-specific error codes More...
enum  gmio_stl_error
 This enum defines the various error codes reported by STL read/write functions. More...
 GMIO_STL_FORMAT_TAG_BINARY Byte-mask to tag(identify) STL binary formats More...
enum  gmio_stl_format
 This enums defines the various STL formats. More...
enum  gmio_stl_info_flag
 Flags(OR-combinations) for each STL info. More...


enum gmio_stl_format gmio_stl_format_probe (struct gmio_stream *stream)
 Returns the format of the STL data in stream. More...
enum gmio_stl_format gmio_stl_format_probe_file (const char *filepath)
 Returns the format of the STL data in file at location filepath. More...
int gmio_stl_infos_get (struct gmio_stl_infos *infos, struct gmio_stream *stream, unsigned flags, const struct gmio_stl_infos_get_options *options)
 Finds informations about STL contents. More...
gmio_streamsize_t gmio_stla_infos_get_streamsize (struct gmio_stream *stream, struct gmio_memblock *stream_memblock)
 Returns the size(in bytes) of the next STL ascii solid in stream. More...
int gmio_stl_read (struct gmio_stream *stream, struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator *mesh_creator, const struct gmio_stl_read_options *options)
 Reads STL mesh from stream, format is automatically guessed. More...
int gmio_stl_read_file (const char *filepath, struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator *mesh_creator, const struct gmio_stl_read_options *options)
 Reads STL mesh from a file, format is automatically guessed. More...
int gmio_stla_read (struct gmio_stream *stream, struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator *mesh_creator, const struct gmio_stl_read_options *options)
 Reads mesh from STL ascii stream. More...
int gmio_stlb_read (struct gmio_stream *stream, struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator *mesh_creator, enum gmio_endianness byte_order, const struct gmio_stl_read_options *options)
 Reads mesh from STL binary stream. More...
int gmio_stl_write (enum gmio_stl_format format, struct gmio_stream *stream, const struct gmio_stl_mesh *mesh, const struct gmio_stl_write_options *options)
 Writes STL mesh to stream. More...
int gmio_stl_write_file (enum gmio_stl_format format, const char *filepath, const struct gmio_stl_mesh *mesh, const struct gmio_stl_write_options *options)
 Writes STL mesh to stream. More...
int gmio_stlb_header_write (struct gmio_stream *stream, enum gmio_endianness byte_order, const struct gmio_stlb_header *header, uint32_t facet_count)
 Writes STL binary header data to stream. More...
void gmio_stl_triangle_compute_normal (struct gmio_stl_triangle *tri)
 Computes the normal vector of triangle tri. More...
struct gmio_stlb_header gmio_stlb_header_str (const char *str)
 Returns a gmio_stlb_header object whose contents is a copy of str. More...
void gmio_stlb_header_to_printable_str (const struct gmio_stlb_header *header, char *str, char replacement)
 Copies header into C string str. More...

Detailed Description

Provides API to handle input/output operations with the STL file format.

Support of the STL file format(STereoLithography) is complete :

In addition, the gmioSTL module has the following advatanges:

In this module, the name of all entities(structures, functions, ...) are prefixed either with :

Functions Structures
Read gmio_stl_read()
Write gmio_stl_write()
Infos on contents gmio_stl_infos_get()
Detect format gmio_stl_format_probe()
Utilities gmio_stl_triangle_compute_normal()

Data Structure Documentation

struct gmio_stl_infos

Informations retrieved by gmio_stl_infos_get()

Data Fields
uint32_t facet_count Count of facets(triangles)
enum gmio_stl_format format STL format of the input stream.
gmio_streamsize_t size Size of the STL data in bytes.

For STL ascii it includes the "endsolid" tag

char * stla_solidname STL ascii only: name of the solid.

The pointer has to be set before calling gmio_stl_infos_get()

See also
size_t stla_solidname_maxlen STL ascii only: maximum length(capacity) of stla_solidname.

The value has to be set before calling gmio_stl_infos_get()

See also
struct gmio_stlb_header stlb_header STL binary only: header(80-bytes) of STL data.
struct gmio_stl_infos_get_options

Options of function gmio_stl_infos_get()

Data Fields
enum gmio_stl_format format_hint Assume STL input format, if GMIO_STL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN then it is automatically guessed.
gmio_streamsize_t size_limit Restrict gmio_stl_infos_get() to not read further this limit(in bytes)
Not yet supported
struct gmio_memblock stream_memblock See gmio_stl_read_options::stream_memblock.
struct gmio_stl_write_options

Options of function gmio_stl_write()

Initialising gmio_stl_write_options with {0} (or {} in C++) is the convenient way to set default values(passing NULL to gmio_stl_write() has the same effect).

Data Fields
bool stl_write_triangles_only Flag allowing to skip writting of any header/footer data, but just triangles.

If set to true then :

  • for STL ASCII format, "solid [name]" and "endsolid" will no be written to output stream
  • for STL binary format, the 80 bytes header followed by the mesh facet count (4bytes) will no be written to output stream
bool stla_dont_check_lc_numeric See gmio_stl_read_options::stla_dont_check_lc_numeric.
enum gmio_float_text_format stla_float32_format The format used when writting float values as strings.

Option useful only with STL ascii format (GMIO_STL_FORMAT_ASCII).

Defaulted to GMIO_FLOAT_TEXT_FORMAT_DECIMAL_LOWERCASE when calling gmio_stl_write() with options==NULL

uint8_t stla_float32_prec The maximum number of significant digits when writting float values.

Option useful only with STL ascii format (GMIO_STL_FORMAT_ASCII).

Defaulted to 9 when calling gmio_stl_write() with options==NULL

const char * stla_solid_name Name of the solid to appear in solid [name] facet normal ...

Option useful only with STL ascii format (GMIO_STL_FORMAT_ASCII).

Defaulted to an empty string "" when :

struct gmio_stlb_header stlb_header Header data(80-bytes)

Option useful only with STL binary formats (GMIO_STL_FORMAT_BINARY_LE or GMIO_STL_FORMAT_BINARY_BE).

Defaulted to an array containing 0 when :

struct gmio_memblock stream_memblock See gmio_stl_read_options::stream_memblock.
struct gmio_task_iface task_iface See gmio_stl_read_options::task_iface.
struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator_infos
Data Fields
enum gmio_stl_format format Format of the input STL mesh.
const char * stla_solid_name Null terminated C-string holding the STL mesh(solid) name.

Available only if STL ASCII format, NULL otherwise

gmio_streamsize_t stla_stream_size Total size (in bytes) of the input stream.

This is the result of gmio_stl_read_options::func_stla_get_streamsize()

Useful to roughly estimate the facet count in the input mesh. Available only if STL ASCII format, 0 otherwise

const struct gmio_stlb_header * stlb_header Contains the header data(80 bytes)

Available only if binary STL, NULL otherwise

uint32_t stlb_triangle_count Count of mesh facets(triangles)

Available only if binary STL, 0 otherwise

struct gmio_stl_triangle
Data Fields
uint16_t attribute_byte_count Useful only for STL binary format.
struct gmio_vec3f n Normal vector.
struct gmio_vec3f v1 Vertex 1.
struct gmio_vec3f v2 Vertex 2.
struct gmio_vec3f v3 Vertex 3.
struct gmio_stlb_header

80-byte data at the beginning of any STL binary file

Data Fields

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

GMIO_STL_ERROR_TAG Byte-mask to tag(identify) STL-specific error codes

anonymous enum

GMIO_STL_FORMAT_TAG_BINARY Byte-mask to tag(identify) STL binary formats


Compact size of a gmio_vec3f object.


Compact size of a gmio_stl_triangle object, STL ascii format.


Compact size of a gmio_stl_triangle object, STL binary format.


Size(in bytes) of the header data for STL binary.


Size(in bytes) of the minimum contents possible with the STL binary format.

This enum defines the various error codes reported by STL read/write functions.


STL format could not be guessed in read function.


Common STL write error indicating gmio_stl_mesh::func_get_triangle() pointer is NULL.


Parsing error occured due to malformed STL ascii input.


Invalid max number of decimal significants digits must be in [1..9].


The byte order argument supplied is not supported, must be little or big endian.


Error occured when reading header data in gmio_stlb_read()


Error occured when reading facet count in gmio_stlb_read()

This enums defines the various STL formats.


Unknown STL format.


STL ASCII (text)


STL binary (little-endian)


STL binary (big-endian)

Flags(OR-combinations) for each STL info.


-> gmio_stl_infos::facet_count


-> gmio_stl_infos::size


-> gmio_stl_infos::stla_solidname


-> gmio_stl_infos::stlb_header


-> gmio_stl_infos::stla_solidname or gmio_stl_infos::stlb_header


-> gmio_stl_infos::format


All infos.

Function Documentation

enum gmio_stl_format gmio_stl_format_probe ( struct gmio_stream stream)

Returns the format of the STL data in stream.

It will try to read 512 bytes from stream into a buffer and then analyses this data to guess the format.

The position of the input stream is preserved.

Return values
GMIO_STL_FORMAT_UNKNOWNin case of error.
enum gmio_stl_format gmio_stl_format_probe_file ( const char *  filepath)

Returns the format of the STL data in file at location filepath.

This function is a wrapper around gmio_stl_format_probe()

filepathPath to the STL file. A stream is opened with fopen() so the string shall follow the file name specifications of the running environment
int gmio_stl_infos_get ( struct gmio_stl_infos infos,
struct gmio_stream stream,
unsigned  flags,
const struct gmio_stl_infos_get_options options 

Finds informations about STL contents.

infos is an output parameter that will hold the retrieved informations

flags is a bitor combination of gmio_stl_info_flag values and is used to select the informations to retrieve.

infos != NULL
stream != NULL

options can be safely set to NULL in this case default values are used

Error code (see gmio_core/error.h and stl_error.h)
int gmio_stl_read ( struct gmio_stream stream,
struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator mesh_creator,
const struct gmio_stl_read_options options 

Reads STL mesh from stream, format is automatically guessed.

The user mesh is created sequentially by calling gmio_stl_mesh_creator::func_add_triangle() with each triangle read from the stream.

It does nothing on the triangles read : no checking(eg. for Nan values), normals are given as they are.

stream != NULL
mesh_creator != NULL

options may be NULL in this case default values are used

Error code (see gmio_core/error.h and stl_error.h)
See also
int gmio_stl_read_file ( const char *  filepath,
struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator mesh_creator,
const struct gmio_stl_read_options options 

Reads STL mesh from a file, format is automatically guessed.

This is just a facility function over gmio_stl_read(). The internal stream object is created to read file at filepath.

filepath != NULL
The file is opened with fopen() so filepath shall follow the file name specifications of the running environment
mesh_creator != NULL

options may be NULL in this case default values are used

Error code (see gmio_core/error.h and stl_error.h)
See also
gmio_stl_read(), gmio_stream_stdio(FILE*)
/examples/occstl_read_file.cpp, /examples/occstl_redefine_mesh_creator.cpp, and /examples/stl_read_file.c.
void gmio_stl_triangle_compute_normal ( struct gmio_stl_triangle tri)

Computes the normal vector of triangle tri.

int gmio_stl_write ( enum gmio_stl_format  format,
struct gmio_stream stream,
const struct gmio_stl_mesh mesh,
const struct gmio_stl_write_options options 

Writes STL mesh to stream.

stream != NULL
mesh != NULL

options may be NULL in this case default values are used

Error code (see gmio_core/error.h and stl_error.h)
See also
int gmio_stl_write_file ( enum gmio_stl_format  format,
const char *  filepath,
const struct gmio_stl_mesh mesh,
const struct gmio_stl_write_options options 

Writes STL mesh to stream.

This is just a facility function over gmio_stl_write(). The internal stream object is created to read file at filepath

filepath != NULL
The file is opened with fopen() so filepath shall follow the file name specifications of the running environment
mesh != NULL
Error code (see gmio_core/error.h and stl_error.h)
See also
gmio_stl_write(), gmio_stream_stdio(FILE*)
/examples/occstl_write_file.cpp, and /examples/stl_write_file.c.
gmio_streamsize_t gmio_stla_infos_get_streamsize ( struct gmio_stream stream,
struct gmio_memblock stream_memblock 

Returns the size(in bytes) of the next STL ascii solid in stream.

It is a facade over gmio_stl_infos_get() for gmio_stl_infos::size only

Pointer to this function can be given to gmio_stl_read_options::func_stla_get_streamsize() and is useful when reading in sequence multi solids in STL ascii. The stream can be cleanly advanced solid by solid after each call to gmio_stl_read()

stream != NULL
stream_memblock != NULL
int gmio_stla_read ( struct gmio_stream stream,
struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator mesh_creator,
const struct gmio_stl_read_options options 

Reads mesh from STL ascii stream.

stream != NULL
mesh_creator != NULL

options may be NULL in this case default values are used

Error code (see gmio_core/error.h and stl_error.h)
See also
gmio_stl_read(), gmio_stl_read_file()
struct gmio_stlb_header gmio_stlb_header_str ( const char *  str)

Returns a gmio_stlb_header object whose contents is a copy of str.

Only the first GMIO_STLB_HEADER_SIZE characters are copied.

If the length of str is less than GMIO_STLB_HEADER_SIZE then the remaining bytes are filled with zeroes.

void gmio_stlb_header_to_printable_str ( const struct gmio_stlb_header header,
char *  str,
char  replacement 

Copies header into C string str.

It replaces non-printable bytes with replacement char.

str must be at least GMIO_STLB_HEADER_SIZE+1 long, a terminating null character ('\0') is copied at position GMIO_STLB_HEADER_SIZE

int gmio_stlb_header_write ( struct gmio_stream stream,
enum gmio_endianness  byte_order,
const struct gmio_stlb_header header,
uint32_t  facet_count 

Writes STL binary header data to stream.

This functions only writes the 80-bytes header array and the count of facets of the mesh(with respect of the specified byte order).

stream != NULL

header Can be safely set to NULL to generate an array of zeroes

Error code (see gmio_core/error.h and stl_error.h)
int gmio_stlb_read ( struct gmio_stream stream,
struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator mesh_creator,
enum gmio_endianness  byte_order,
const struct gmio_stl_read_options options 

Reads mesh from STL binary stream.

stream != NULL
mesh_creator != NULL

options may be NULL in this case default values are used

Error code (see gmio_core/error.h and stl_error.h)
Return values
See also
gmio_stl_read(), gmio_stl_read_file()
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